Under water

As the bird who would always fly higher and faster than any other bird, began to lose its confidence and saw all the other birds fly over him, Some birds felt joyful and others pitied him. After all, none of the birds kept flying highest for too long.

And as he kept gliding lower and lower every second, he was now flying lower than any other, and giving up hope of his happy days, decided to let go.

As he hit the cold water once deep below him, he realized that the water was colder than he thought it would be, and his feathers soaked with water was no longer of any use. Some of his close friends stopped flying and flew low to find him. They were telling him that he could fly back again. They were giving their consolation that all of them had their own hard times. They were trying to give him hope with their sincere hearts. But, he, who was already under water could only see blurry faces and hear distant noises.

And amongst all those scattered pieces, one of the birds decided to dive into the water. No, she did not know how to see, nor hear under water. Even worse, she never knew if she would even be able to save him. And as he thought they were going to drown together, as he had the bitter taste of relief that there was someone he could rely on to for his last few breaths, He realized that together, they have learned to breathe underwater. They still could not see, they still could not hear a thing, they still could not nearly tell that they would ever be able to fly ever again in their life. Yet, they keep breathing.